Automated Bar

From Beerplop
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Watch your automated bars come to life in this minigame!

The path of holy upgrades which leads to the activation of the Automated Bar

Fantastic Minigames and Where to Find Them

You find the minigame "Automated Bar" among your buildings, right below the automated bar.

This Minigame is enabled via the Holy Upgrade "Designed on the Drawing Board" and can be found after activation among your Buildings, right below the automated bar.

About the game

The main objective in this minigame is to sell Beers in your automated bar. You start with an empty bar grid where you may set up your automated bar. Each cell of the bar can be equipped with one of four different pieces of furniture:

  1. Bars: Beer is tapped here
  2. Tables: Beer is drunken here
  3. Pipes: Beer is running through them
  4. Cooling Engines: Beer is cooled here
An empty automated bar, freshly started.
The furniture (left to right): Table, Pipe, Cooling Engine, Bar
A simple suite of the Automated Bar. At Level I, these tables will consume 50 Beers per second.

The goal is to maximize the beer consumption in the bar. Therefore, you have to construct bars, where a certain amount of Beers per second is tapped, and tables, where a certain amount of Beers per second is consumed. To connect tables and bars which are not directly adjacent, you may build pipes. The cooling engines, which have to be unlocked via an upgrade later in the minigame, cool the beer and double the production/consumption of adjacent furniture pieces.

Sacrificing/Level up

Like everything in this game, you can sacrifice your Beers. You will lose all of your currently available beers and rise up a level. This has several effects:

  1. The Beer production/consumption of every piece of furniture is doubled.
  2. You may use your Beers to boost...
    1. ... the Plop production in the main game.
    2. ... the Bottle Cap production in the main game.
    3. ... the production of you Dispensers in the main game.
  3. Upgrades are unlocked which also enlarge the Beer production or reduce furniture prices.
  4. Your bar grows by one row of floor tiles to the bottom and one column to the right.

Tips and strategies

  • Use the Load Map to inspect the production/consumption loads of your furniture pieces. If a Table does not consume as many Beers as it could, consider moving it to another Bar in order to increase your overall Beer production. Try to make sure that the Bars have as little loads as possible and the Tables as high as possible.
  • Use as few pipes as possible! Pipes don't increase your Beer production and take up large amounts of spaces that could be better used for Bars, Tables and Cooling Engines.
Efficient Bar Layouts (Spoilers! Do not read if you want to experiment with the Automated Bar yourself!)
The Diamond
"The Diamond" – The table in the centre of the diamond consumes (at level IX) 406 Million Beers per second.
The key to success are the cooling engines. Remember: each cooling engine doubles the production of the adjacent furniture pieces – at level I even the not directly adjacent ones. Also, if more than one engine boosts the production of a furniture piece, their multipliers are not added, but multiplied.

If you spread out the engines evenly, you will multiply the production values of many furniture pieces by small multipliers.

Instead, you should choose a layout, where a small number of furniture pieces is boosted with large multipliers.

This leads to "The Diamond", the bar layout visible to the right: a bar with a table and eleven cooling engines. The beer consumption of the table is multiplied by the factor of 2¹¹ = 2048, which leads to beer consumption rates of 406.251.520 Beers/second at level IX.
A large diamond, consisting of four small diamonds, rotated for symmetry purposes.

You can, and should, join diamonds to larger structures – be sure to keep the right distance between the tables. The optimal table spacing is two cells both vertically and horizontally. The bar may be positioned anywhere next to the table. The large diamond in the image on the right currently consumes 1.625.006.080 Beers per second.