Composed Value Registry

From Beerplop

The composed value registry is a global available registry for numbers which have various components modifying the value (eg. Bottle Caps). A single composed value provides an API with a chainable interface to attach additional multipliers to the value or to trigger a recalculation of the value. An example for the usage of composed values is the Beer Blender Bar. The ingredients hook into the composed values (eg. Bottle Caps) and modify their multiplier to change their current influence on the value (eg. Bottle Cap production).

The composed value registry is available as a NPM package at

Get a composed value:

1 let composedValue = ComposedValueRegistry.getComposedValue(CV_BOTTLE_CAP);
Available composed values
Key Description
CV_MANUAL_PLOP The manually produced plops
CV_BOTTLE_CAP Produced Bottle Caps
CV_MANA Produced Mana in Beerwarts

A composed value holds multiple modifiers. Each modifier is identified via a modifierKey. Each modifier must provide a callback function returning the current influence on the value. By default the returned values are cached inside the composed value.

Composed value API
Method Parameters Returns Description
getValue - number Get the current value including all registered modifiers.
getValueExcludingModifier excludeModifier (array) number Get the current value. excludeModifier contains a list of modifierKeys which shall not be included in the returned value.
triggerModifierChange modifierKey (string) ComposedValue Notify the composed value about a change for the given modifierKey. deletes the internal cache and updates the current influence of the modifier on the next call of getValue or getValueExcludingModifier.
recalculate - ComposedValue Force a recalculation of all internal caches
addModifier modifierKey (string),

modifierCallback (function),


(bool, optional, default true)

ComposedValue Add an additional modifier to the composed value. The callback function provided will be executed on the next call of getValue or getValueExcludingModifier. By default the value returned by the callback will be cached. Set cache to false to fetch the value on each call of getValue via the callback function (for values which change on each tick so the values must not manually trigger a modifier change on each tick)
removeModifier modifierKey (string) ComposedValue Remove the given modifier from the composed value.
onValueChange callback


ComposedValue Execute a callback function if the composed value changes. The callback function will get the updated value injected as first parameter.
debug - - Get a debug log with all modifiers

Example usage:

1 ComposedValueRegistry.getComposedValue(CV_MANA)
2   .onValueChange(() => this._updateBeerwartsView())
3   .addModifier('Beerwarts_BaseProduction', () => this._getBaseManaProduction())
4   .addModifier('Beerwarts_GameSpeed', () => this.gameState.getGameSpeed());