Add a new building to Beer Factories
From Beerplop
- Building state in Beer Factories state
- Constant building data in FACTORY_DATA_FIX
- Add translations for building name and description
- Define two upgrade paths
- Labels for upgrade paths (if they don't exist yet)
- requirements, prices and callbacks in Upgrades.js
- Title and description for each upgrade (if required Language Middleware expansion)
- Achievement building unlocked (with translations)
- Amount achievements (with translations and Language Middleware expansion of description)
- Define when the building gets unlocked in FACTORY_ENABLE_LIMITS
- Create building icon
- Implement special logic for the building
- factory extensions
- ....
If an upgrade path of the building unlocks a factory extension
- define the extension in EXTENSIONS
- Add translations for extension name and description
- Achievement extension unlocked (with translations)
- Use the method enableFactoryExtension to unlock the extension in Upgrades.js
- create extension icon
If the new building or a factory extension of the building produces new materials
- Add the material state in Beer Factories state
- Add the storage divident in MATERIAL_STORAGE_DIVIDENT to define how much of the material can be stored
- Add translation for material name
- Add materials amount achievements (with translations and Language Middleware expansion of description)